Feature length dream project in (pre)-pre-production
Ongoing Project
An archaeological exploration of the “medical public imagination”. Digging up footage from every imaginable source in the hopes of finding an alternative or radical history of medical care in the United States.
Cinema as both mythology and history, as both liberated by dream logic yet bound up with material reality; as the delight and fantasy of the Belle Epoque is undercut by portents of doom. An ode to and an interrogation of the Lumière brothers, riffing on their imagery in the hopes of discovering something new or even elemental to the film medium. As well, a celebration of the ways in which these films encapsulate the magical intersection of the archives, geography, and history.
Wandering Solitude, 2020, 6 minutes
An attempt at a sort of intoxicating reverie exploring themes of alienation, absence, darkness, and desire. It was in part inspired by a concept/proposition that “the energy of desire be transformed into a utopian machine”. Wandering Solitude is a deeply personal and therapeutic work animated by the blurry and mysterious boundaries between the subconscious, the sociopolitical, and the cosmos.
Life is Something Special, 3 mins, 2017
A tirade from 2000s era Congressman Mike Pence anchors this exploration of the contradictory anti-life strains of the pro-life movement. The detritus and carnage of the Bush II era looms in the background while the chorus of the Peech Boys “Life is Something Special” plays. All of this culminating in an audiovisual assault as discombobulating and nauseating as the subject at hand.
Needle Gun, 2014, 2 mins
The horror genre stripped of narrative and narration. Total creep.
Pale Stan Brakhage Imitation of Life, 2014, 1 mins
Speed + Vision = Transfiguration
“Imagine an eye unruled by man-made laws of perspective, an eye unprejudiced by compositional logic, an eye which does not respond to the name of everything but which must know each object encountered in life through an adventure of perception.” - Stan Brakhage
“Future Half” (Face of Man), 2011, 4 mins,
“The Virgin Mary Responds to Her Critics”, 2012, 4 minutes
Inspired by the iconography of the Virgin Mary and the dark beauty of Catholic aesthetics. Light, camerawork, montage all work to create an atmosphere immersed in the mystery of divine darkness, a darkness devoid of fear and anguish and marked by mystery and eroticism.
Double Team Joey Castellano, 2011, 1 mins
In and around Riverside Park 2009; young men in motion, skating and playing basketball. Bathed in a shimmering gold light often refracted and manipulated by overexposure and overlaid images. There is a hint of menace and desire. Take it as you will.
Daddy, Are You A Warmonger, 2010, 6 minutes
Former congressman turned lobbyist Jim Moran once said about the government-driven boom in the D.C. suburbs, "Maryland got the life sciences and Virginia got the death sciences." Harbingers of death and destruction dot a bucolic suburban landscape seen often from Virginia’s scenic byways. A landscape where media, commerce, and war perfectly intersect, and all of it undergirded by the promotion and execution of spectacular violence .